Healthy Sexual Relationships (HSR) – Train the Trainer for Secondary Schools


The Healthy Sexual Relationships (HSR) course is designed for those delivering PSHE education to children of secondary school age. This is a train the trainer course, which will give you the information, skills and resources to design and deliver high quality PSHE lessons to children.

  • Explain why teaching SRE is so important and how you can help your pupils engage in an open and honest discussion to promote healthy relationships.
  • How you can help your pupils engage with your lessons, including teaching suggestions.
  • Explore the sexual development of children of different ages, from 13 years old and onwards, including the types of information they may ask about.
  • Look at the vulnerabilities of teenagers and how this can impact the risks of sexual exploitation and peer on peer abuse. This vulnerabilities can be addressed as long as we acknowledge them and provide sound advice and guidance.
  • Explore the difference between a healthy relationship and an unhealthy relationship, giving you the confidence to discuss personal topics with your pupils.
  • Discuss how to explain consent to young children, this course also includes resources you may wish to use within your lessons.
  • Define what is sexting (youth produced sexual imagery) and how you can help your pupils to keep safe on social media/online safety and prevent sexual exploitation and peer on peer abuse.
  • What to do if a child shares with you that they have been sexting and now they are worried.

The Healthy Sexual Relationships (HSR) – Train the Trainer for Secondary Schools course is CPD Accredited

Course Overview

PSHE education is a school curriculum subject in England that helps children and young people stay healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain. When taught well, PSHE education also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential.

Surveys show that young people want to be educated about sex and relationships and that they recognise this role is most likely to be served by teachers and schools.

When children can talk to their parents and teachers about sex and relationships, they are more ready for puberty, understand more about relationships and are less likely to do things just because their friends are.

Among other things, children will learn to recognise that their behaviour can affect other people; to listen to other people and work and play cooperatively; to identify special people in their lives (parents, siblings, friends) and how they should care for each other; what physical contact is acceptable; and what to do if they’re being bullied.

This course has been created and delivered by Milly Wildish, a child protection specialist who has worked in criminal and education settings. Milly is a national safeguarding panel member and is currently engaged in a large-scale independent investigation, into current and historical allegations of child abuse.

Your understanding of the course is tested though multiple-choice questions and you will receive a CPD accredited certificate, on the successful completion of the course.

The Healthy Sexual Relationships (HSR) – Train the Trainer for Secondary Schools course is CPD Accredited

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